Interview with Christine Fleischer

Interview with Christine Fleischer

With the 2016-17 Women's Basketball season fast approaching, we sat down with 4th year Forward Christine Fleischer to talk about the upcoming season. 


There are a lot of new faces on the team this season. What are your thoughts on this teams' potential so far?

We have some great new additions to the team, as well as a lot of returning players who improved in the offseason. This year we will have to utilize the entire team to score; points will have to come from everyone for a successful season.

Who do you think will be a breakout player for the team this year?

A lot of the girls have come out strong and its hard to pick just one. We are looking at a few key players to put a lot of points on the board, but defense wins' games and the girls have shown strong potential in their defensive skills.

You had the chance to play for Coach Dave Elsley last season when he took over at the midseason point. What kind of impact do you think he will make on your team over a full season?

Coach Elsley makes it really easy to play for him. He treats his players the right way and we give him the full respect in return. He is implementing a strong playbook that puts us in a good position to be successful. He also promotes a positive team atmosphere for the girls.

What kind of experience can you take from last years' playoff games to carry on to this team?

When you get to playoff games, the intensity is a lot higher with much more at stake. We will definitely have to get contributions up and down the lineup to play at that level this year.

This is your fourth year on the team. How have you grown as a player and as a team leader?

My all-around game has improved quite a bit, and I think confidence has a lot to do with that. I've worked really hard on my shot the past year and its really shown. I'm trying to inspire all of my teammates to trust their abilities and display confidence on the court. I'm really excited to start the season and see where we rank by the start of the second half of the season. 


We would like to thank Christine for sitting down with us. Best of luck to you and the Women's team this year!