Lady Lions Swat Stingers in 1st OCAA Playoff Game

Lady Lions Swat Stingers in 1st OCAA Playoff Game

The #10 Lambton College women's basketball team won their first ever OCAA playoff game Sunday as the team travelled to Toronto and dispatched for the #7 Seneca Sting 62-64.

Christine Fleischer and Jilleen VanLeezem played their best games of the season for the Lions while Riley Williams, Yasmine Taylor, and Paige Johnston contributed some key outside shooting in the win.

After trailing 11-1 in the early going, Lambton went into a zone defence and shut down a Seneca team who struggled shooting the ball throughout the game. 

Lambton will now move on to play Mohawk on Thursday at 8pm in Welland, ON. Mohawk is ranked #2 in Ontario.